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Five Sta. Family--One of Them, Gold.,
Dr. Herbert Ryman Family Bring
Great Credit To War Hero Father
RTman-FuLten Leg00n on Sate-day 00ernoon, August
Pot Named ]For 17, he was mortally wounded
while ministering to a wounded
W W I Ch00atties comrade on the battlefield, near
St. Gilles, France. Disregarding
The naming of the Mount Pu- his own injury, he administered
laski American Legion Post No. aid to three fallen comrades.
447, was a fine honor bestowed Weakened from the loss of blood
upon Captain Herbert D. Ryman, he was carried to the nearest aid
a former citizen, who gave his station but only lived a few
life for his country in World War hours.
L Mrs. Ryman and children have
A far greater tribute, however, in their possession the Distingish.
have been the achievements of ed Service Cross and many other
Dr. Ryman's widow and three medals for heroism from the
children, who attended grade United States and French govern-
school here in attaining outstand- ments.
ing recognition in the fields of Captain Herbert D. Ryman of
education, art and the sciences. Mount Pulaski, was buried with
The accomplishments and success full military honors in Arlington,
of this remarkable family reads Va., Thursday afternooon, July
almost like a fairy tale: 28, 1918, in the officers' section on
• Mrs. Cora B. Ryman, educator, the east slope of the banks of the
superintendent of schools in Ma- Potomac River.
con county for 16 years, and writ-
er for educational magazines.
Herbert D. Ryman, artist, COP B, R
motion picture, commercial, illus. MACON CO. SCHOOl
trator and portrait painter, of ha- SUPERINTENDENT
tional renown.
Christine Ryman Pensinger, Born in Pendelton County, Ky.,
food and equipment consultant Cora Belle Norris, of Scotch-Irish
on a national plane, descent, great granddaughter of
Lucille Ryman Carroll, talent President Zachary Taylor, and
scout for Universal Pictures, and niece of Senator George Norris,
MGM Studies and Broadway star. long-time Senator from Nebraska.
In early childhood she came
FATALLY WOUNDED to Marion County, Ill. with her
family, received her early edu-
MINISTERING TO cation in the rural schools of
COMPJkDE IN FRANCE Marion County, her high school
i training in Vandalia, Ill. Later
Captain Herbert Dlckens Ryman she attended the Kansas State
was bern April 11, 1878, in Ver. !Normal School, Emporia, Illinois
non, Ill. The son of Samuel T. State Normal School, Normal, Ill.
and Martha (Jones) Ryman. The inois and Columbia University.
Ryman family came from Heidel. While teaching school in Kan.
berg, Germany, being the des. sas she was married to Dr. Ry.
cendant of the Royal Family. The man, principal. To this union was
grandmother of Captain Ryman born three chilidren -
on his father's side was a direct Lucille and Herbert.
descendant of Charles Dickens After the death of Dr.
the famous novelist, she resumed her teaching profess.
Captain Ryman was reared in ion, leaving Mt. Pulaski in 1919
a Christian home, his parents and to enter the Decatur School Sys-
grandparents being devout Meth- tern. After teaching 4 years in
odists. He came from a family of Decatur, she was elected County
military men, doctors and preach. Superintendent of Schools of Ma-
ers. He received his early educa- con county, where she served for
tion in the public schools of 16 years. During these 16 years
Marion County, Ill., and graduat, she wrote Educational Articles
ed from the Vernon High School. for the National Educational
Being an ambitious lad he made
rapid strides in his studies. EDUCATOR.,.
After graduating from high
school he entered Washburn Col-
lege, Topeka, Karts. Later, he en.
tered the Kansas State Medical
College at Lawrence, Kans., from
which he graduated in 1907. Be.
fore entering the Medical College,
four years of his life were spent
in the teaching profession, being
principal of the Richland High
School in Shawnee County, Kans.
He was married to Cora Belle
Norris, a classmate in the grade
school, and also one of the teach-
ers in the high school of which
he was principal.
Three children were bern to this
union, Christine, Lucille, and Her-
bert Dickens, Jr. After finishing MRS. CORA B. RYMAN
his course in medicine he settled
in Vernon, Ill., his birthplace, to Journals, often talked over radio
begin the practice of medicine, station WGN, Chicago, made
but in two years, moved to Mt. more than 200 commencement
Pulaski, where he resided until addresses in central Illinois at
June 17, 1917. He enlisted as a high school and elementary
1st. Lieutenant in the Medical graduations.
Reserve Corps of the Great She was Secretary of the Coun-
World's War. ty Superintendent's Association,
September 1917, he entered the State of Illinois; President of the
training camp at Ft. Benjamin South Central Division of the Ill-
Harrison, Ind., remaining there inois State Teachers Association;
four weeks. He was then sent to Member of the State Reading
Augusta, Georgia. Here he was Circle Board for the selection of
made a Captain of the Medical library books for the Illinois
Corps of the 107th Field Artillery, School; Superyisor of Adult
28th Division of the Pennsylvania Education for Central Illinois;
National Guards. Illinois President of the Women's
After spending the winter of Relief Corps Auxiliary of the
1917 and 1918 in Camp HanCock, Grand Army of the Republic;
Ga., he was ordered with his com. Worthy Matron of the Eastern
pany to France. They sailed May Star; Member of the White Shrine
19, 1918, on the Leviathian, land. and Amaranth; Auxiliary morn-
ing in Liverpool, May 30. Soon her of the American Legion and
after arriving in France, they Veterans of Foreign Wars; Mere-
were sent to the front. The Cap. bet of Decatur, Macon County
tain was asked to choose between Centennial Committee, 1929.
going to the front or remaining Mrs. Ryman retired in 1938 and
as a surgeon in one of the Base is now making her homo in Van
Hospitals. HIS request was to go Nuys, Calif. at 13551 Chandler
with his boys, as he called them. Blvd.
Christine Ryman Pensinger, a
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Herbert
Ryman, was born in Richland,
Kans. She came to Mount Pulaski
with her parents in 1910, receiv-
ing her elementary education, lat-
er moving to Decatur.
Her background of education
included a Bachelor of Science
Degree in Nutrition from Millikin
University, Decatur; Graduate
Study in Institutional Manage-
ment at Columbia University,
New York; University of Illinois,
Los Angeles State College, School
of Interior Decoration.
Teaching experience which cov-
ers a diversified area includes
Nutrition and Home Economics
at Decatur High, James Miilikin
University, and Los Angeles Col-
lege. She was a guest instructor
in Hotel and Restaurant Manage-
ment School, Cornell University,
Denver University and San Fran-
cisco City College. Guest instruct-
or in Training Food Service Sup-
ervisors and School Lunch Man-
agers, Texas Technological Col-
lege, University of Mississippi,
Southern Illinois University.
State Director 10 Yems
Mrs. Pensinger included kn her
experiences the position of Direct-
or of Nutrition of the State of
Illinois for 10 years. Duties in this
position included supervision of
tomers and made about 150 lec.
tures throughout the United Stat-
es, a year. She managed and did
all the purchasing for Gormeti
Food Department of Marshall
Field & Co., and developed cook-
ed foods for retail sale. Was a
world traveler, spending three
years in Europe and contributed
many articles to magazines on
European Food Service.
Her membership in numerous
national organizations include
Home Economics in various phas-
es, Radio, TV and Dietetic. She
is at present the President of
Christine Pensinger Associates,
Food Facilities Engineers, and
owner of "The Designers Mini-
Planner", quarter-inch scale mod-
els for planning institutional food
service facilities. Her California
address is 301 South Harvard
Blvd., Los Angeles 5.
Born in Topeka, Kans. she
moved with her family to Mount
Pulaski, Ill., where she entered
the first grade. The family lat-
er moved to Decatur, Ill., where
she graduated from Decatur high
school and received her AB de-
gree from James Millikin Univers-
She taught in the Decatur:
School System for three years
and at Assumption High School
for two years. She also did grad-
45 dieticians, 1500 cooks, and uate work at the University of
dietary employees in serving food I Illinois.
and equipment by bid. During] Graduating at the Pasadena
this time she also acted as equip- ] Community Playhouse, in Pasa-
ment and institutional kitchen] dena, Calif., she starred in and
consultant to the division of ar-]produced several plays on Broad-
chitecturo of the state, y.
She developed the "Designers Miss Ryman was a talent scout
Mini-Planner," quarter inch scale
models for planning the Institu.
tional Food Service Facility
first used in designing the Walt
Disney Studio Kitchen. Was
food and equipment consultant
for Wear-Ever, Alcoa, on new de.
sign equipment needs for cus-
for Universal Pictures, Inc., three
years, on the East Coast. She lat-
er went to MGM Studios, in
Hollywood, Calif., as head of the
Talent Department, and is cred-
ited as discovering such stars as
Marilyn Monroe, Fernando La-
mas and Cyd Cherisse. She was
Herbert Ryman who
in Vernon, Ill., in 1910,
early grade school years in
Some of his
complishments in his
of art, include:
Illustrated and
designing of "The
illustrations for the
"Black Rose" and ''he
es" by Thomas B.
Ryman was one of the
iginal designers of
from the beginning.
sponsible for many
standing rides and
tures in this world
amusement park.
He has executed many
ant portrait commissions
wood personalities, and
Board of Directors of
fornia Art Club.
Graduate of Millikin
ity and Chicago Art
His art career
wood - MGM, 20th
His papers for
sheba" and otl"
tration. Two years
through Europe
through South
A Youth in London,
He lived in tents
desert, visited Indo
Angkor. He
niques and adds all
materials to his
hand-ground colors
ese, the modem oil,
of his materials.
of thousands of
you apprehend his
the least of his
safari with the
friendship with
Felix Adler, BuZZY
phants, acrobats,
"to capture the
glamour as well
choly loneliness of
His instructors
Raab, Reynolds,
bert. Anisfeld,
dent into the
wood it was
(artist too) who saw
sketches. The
Bean (Marie
Earth" (hundreds
papers to help).
ity became - the
Worst of people
temples and
the sea, Japanese
in the
cabulary. "Subj ect
often bracketed a-'
peach tree,
In China
dazzled by the
culture." Peking,
sal, Peiping, "one
of centuries."
He resides at
Blvd., Van NuyS,
, Films Indepen
She now
band, John
motion picture
on their
Granada Hills,